Recently, Justice Anand Venkatesh of the Madras High Court went through psycho-educational sessions and interactions with LGBTQI+ people to have a better understanding of their emotions and problems to deal with a writ petition filed by a lesbian couple, which sought protection from police harassment at the instance of their parents. He also remarked that “Ignorance is no justification for normalizing any form of discrimination.”
So here is a prototype of conversation between a Judge , as empathetic as Justice Anand Venkatesh and a feminist law student.
Judge -What is Feminism?
Law Student – For me Feminism is a wave of thought that believes in equity and is seeking to create a new world order, where men and women do not have predetermined roles. For example ,women will not be confined to kitchens and men will not be pressured to only earn and bear responsibilities. It is also a fight against Patriarchy.
Judge – Oh! then what did you mention in end, Eh ,What is Patriarchy ?
Law Student – Patriarchy is referred to rule by power and domination of elder over the younger. Feminism is rule by empathy and love and no domination.
Judge -But now things have changed. Male, female have equal representation. See how young female lawyers are coming up and practicing in court
Law Student- Yes you might be right that more female lawyers are coming up. But the country still has huge disparities Sorry , Judge but you have a mistake of fact as literacy rate of men in India is 84.7% and that of the women is 70.3 %
Judge -But we have progressed in terms of numbers of girls being born. Right ?
Law Student – Yes! we have progressed but still there are gaps that only empathetic leader can take us trough Still we have skewed sex ratio in our country. For every 100 females we have 112 males. Women are still considered and killed before being born?
Judge -So you think we still practice women foeticide?
Law Student – Yes Sir, as per a report by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) .Overall, nearly 45.8 million females are ‘missing’ in Indian demography in the year 2020, mainly due to pre and post-birth sex selection practices stemming from son preference.
Judge – But you have to be with me on this, that we have removed child marriages from the country
Law Student – No Sir! We have not eradicated child marriages yet. We have 24million child brides in India !
Judge – It was a good session. Now I have to leave for a session in Court. Will take this conversation forward.
Law Student – Sure Judge .
Stay Tuned for Part 2
All Feminists are not violent ! All listeners are not apathetic! .Be empathetic as Justice Venaktesh and hold a conversation!