What would have happened if Gandhi had continued living his comfortable life in South Africa, or Fidel Castro happily led a life of a dignified lawyer, Che Guevara didn’t care about Bolivia? You simply cannot imagine such regal history of mankind had it not been for these people who gave a damn about freedom, about every human right that gave us a free world that we live in today.
Why do we need to talk about freedom now? I mean, it is so last century! I think not, we still live in a world where for some freedom is not a right but luxury. There are still people shedding their blood for basic human rights. We may live in peace in a free world today, and what do we do, we underrate our freedom!
So, the other day, I overheard a conversation between two girls in a metro who were talking about how a marriage can give you a perfect and comfortable life (Such myths!) One of them suggested her friend to get married to a rich boy who can take care of her demands (yeah, fuck independence all we care about is money) and blah blah.And I lost my mind when she said: “ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS LIVE ACCORDING TO HIM”.
And my other acquaintance who suddenly decided to change her whole lifestyle just because her rich boyfriend asked her to.
Yeah, All he is asking for is her freedom, it isn’t a big price to pay in exchange for some cash. Listen, pretty lady, Just because you had it for free, doesn’t mean nobody paid the price for it. Where are we heading? We are in the 21st century and girls still feel the need to live such a life of pity when they can afford a lifestyle for themselves. There are people fighting for equality, freedom, independence and you are making a joke out of it. For what? Money?
Just imagine the world if you weren’t free to go out, to express your opinions, to wear what you want to, to say what you want to, to write, to read, to learn what you want. The world would be a mess. And you are ready to let it all go for a heavy bank account. Is this the worth of freedom? So sad, if have it all for free.
A girl giving up her hobbies for her partner, a man giving up his lifestyle, a daughter giving up her dreams for her parents, a woman giving up her love for the society, a man giving up his thoughts for the fear of acceptance, each of them are putting years of hard work in trash.
Freedom is more important than you can imagine, so do not give it up for some people who do not care about you, or who offer you some money and material because freedom is irreplaceable. Value it!