How often do we hear people say ‘ Being single sucks’? How often do we hear single people say ‘being single sucks’?
Being single isn’t easy. Not easy at all.
I mean, in the middle of the night you just want to have a random conversation with someone. You have no one.
You have no one to tell your little achievements and failures of the day.
You have no shoulder to cry on.
You are hungry, and nobody to get you food or cook for you.Nobody to keep you warm in the cold night. Nobody to buy you little gifts. Nobody to celebrate with.
They will tell you hundred times to find someone, to come out of your solitude. They will pity you when you will make a joke of yourself saying I have no one to talk to. They will make you want someone more than you actually need.
But what they won’t tell you this…
When in the middle of the night you have no one to talk to. Think. There will always be one person to hear you, to make you feel okay. Love that person.
You have no one to share your little achievements and failures. Well, the celebration of your achievements is all yours. Love yourself.
When nobody is there to buy you food. Maybe, you will learn to cook. When nobody is there to drive you to a place. You will learn to drive or maybe just learn to handle the local auto-rickshaw walas better. You will have no one to warm you up, buy yourself a new lovely jacket and get over it.You will come strong.
When your tube light won’t work or your power goes off, you will have nobody to call. Maybe, you will learn to change the tube light yourself and handle the slight power cuts. Know your worth.
Nobody there to go on a date, maybe you will invest this time in doing something for yourself. All the time you have been wasting in the long conversations, maybe you will learn something new. Every experience will count.
You will cry, thinking you have no one to make love to, no one to rely on. But, cry once, louder and longer. But then, come strong.
You have no one to pamper. Maybe, you will learn to act like grown-ups and take your responsibility yourself. Don’t be a spoilsport for all your life.
There is no one do men’s job in your life. Maybe, you will learn that this is what equality is all about. What people are fighting for, you are having it in peace. Value that.
Nobody will drop you and pick you up from your place. Maybe, you will learn that’s what independence all about. Be Brave.
Nobody will tell you how pretty you look today. Well, nobody will either tell you that your lipstick is too dark, or your eyeliner is too thick, or your skirt is too short. You will have a chance to be yourself. So, be yourself.
Nobody there to make love to you, well, there are ten people waiting right there to do it in 10 different ways. Please yourself!
Nobody will make you cry for no reason, judge you for your opinions, no one will tell you to eat less, eat more, eat slow, join a gym, wear this, do not wear this, change your dress, keep your lipstick light, kajal thin, voice low, talk slow, don’t talk to them, talk to them, don’t go there, don’t be so open, be modest and blah.
Will you not value the time when you can accept yourself, just the way you are? Can you bring out what you actually are, without caring for the opinion?
Maybe, you will be glad to find the true you. Only if you make it about you.
Maybe.Just maybe. Only if you realize being single means everything in life is about you. Will you underestimate yourself?
Being single isn’t easy, but it is being strong. And, once you become strong, being single is peaceful.
Until love comes your way, will you make the best of this chance to find yourself or will lose it by complaining?