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POSH Policy.png

Our POSH Policy is an amalgamation of the Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace Act, 2013 of India and worldwide workplace laws. After deep research into the international laws and gender rights laws of the most developed countries around the world including Australia, New Zealand, the European Union, Finland, the UK, USA, we drafted a detailed policy that includes all the major legal compliances of women and gender rights laws in India required to be followed by organisations generally with more than 10 employees.

The necessity of Indian laws in addition to the advancement of the international laws ensures that you offer a standard of a workplace to your employees that match the global standards.

Our Policy promotes the conciliation process between the sufferer and offender that suits the idea of justice for the sufferer and ensures speedily and hassle-free investigation of the complaints.



Based on European and International laws.


Focuses on the theory of surety of punishment and sensitization.


Intersectional and inclusive.


Promotes efficient in-house complaint dealing process.


Promotes period leaves and maternity and paternity benefits.


Community service as punishment for sexual abuse


Ensures the legal compliance of the Maternity Benefit Act, 2017, Transgender Rights Laws, 2019, Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995.

Having an internal POSH Act Policy is a legal mandate.

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