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About Su Iccha Foundation

Su Iccha Foundation is an organization dedicated towards gender empowerment and awareness against sexual harassment.

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Making Your Everyday Space Safe

It was started in the year 2020 with a sole mission to make the everyday space safe. Our goal is to work on the root cause of the sex and gender based offences and create sensitisation towards it.


90% of the cases of harassment and discrimination are committed by the people we know. We aim to facilitate the set up of the sexual harassment (POSH) committees and legal redressal forum educate the institutions, organisations and workplaces about the sexual harassment laws and create sensitization towards creating gender neutral organizations. to reach out to the spaces where the majority of the problem lies, the working class, and where the future lies, the learning class.

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We are here to challenge the patriarchal notions and change the way you see equality and freedom.

Our Mission

  • To facilitate the setting up of sexual harassment (POSH) committees and legal redressal forum in workplaces, educational institutes as mandated by The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.

  • To abide by the laws laid down by Supreme Court in Vishakha v. State of Rajasthan and The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.
    To create awareness regarding understanding of sexual harassment and its causes.

  • To create awareness and educate the institutions, organisations and workplaces about the sexual harassment laws and create sensitization towards creating gender neutral organizations.
    Conduct awareness sessions and sensitization programmes on sexual and gender based offences against all genders.

  • To provide aid to POSH committees in dealing with complaints related to sexual offences as prescribed under POSH Act, 2013.

  • To prevent cases of sexual offences at workplace.

  • To promote gender equality and oppose patriarchal norms.

  • To provide mental health support to the victims of sexual and gender based offences.

  • To conduct and create mental health support programmes in institutions and organisations to provide mental health care.

  • To help and avail compensation for the victims of sexual offences under Nirbhaya Fund.

  • To provide legal aid to the victims of sexual offences.

  • To conduct research to prevent patriarchal behaviour and causes leading to sexual offences and rape.

  • To create a safe world free of sexual violence.

Our Vision


We envision a world free of sexual offences, to create sensitization towards understanding the fact that these offences are not that of lust and passion, but are solely the offences of discrimination. While the prevailing discourse to address issues of sexual violence by the government authorities is to designate mostly punitive measures against such action, i.e what to do once the crime has happened, but what is important is to take this conversation ahead of by addressing what needs to be done to prevent it in the first place.


Hence, our simple and foremost goal is not just to work on what to do once the sexual offence has been committed but to prevent the offence from happening itself. And, if it does happen, then help the victim in getting justice. The cost of sexual offences cannot be calculated, there is emotional cost, mental cost, loss of work, loss of interest in work and life, loss of confidence, intimacy issues, which simply cannot be compensated merely by sending the offender to prisons, and is often not compensated in monetary value as well.


Which is why is important to take this issue of prevention of crime rather than punishing the criminal.

We Need Your Support Today!

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